Park City Ski Resort Expert Itinerary - Canyons Side
Sun Peak, Super Condor, Tombstone, Ninety-Nine 90, Dreamcatcher, Iron Mountain

Park City Expert Guide
From Canyons Village: Orange Bubble Chair – Sun Peak – Super Condor – Murdock Peak – Tombstone – Ninety-Nine 90 - Lunch @ Cloud Dine – DreamCatcher – Iron Mountain – Return to Base
1. 9:00 AM – Warming up on Sun Peak
From Canyons Village: Take The Orange Bubble Express and exit right and head down Echo or Eclipse a pleasant cruiser to the base of the Sun Peak Express. Take a lap or two off of this Sun Peak Express to get the blood flowing.
2. 9:45 - 11:30 AM – Burners off of the Super Condor Express
From the base of the Sun Peak Express, follow Flume to reach the base of the The Super Condor Express. This 7-minute lift ride services the runs coming off of both sides of the spine. Just beware, this part of the mountain is lower elevation and requires significant snowfall for the terrain to open. Exit the lift and follow along Apex Ridge until you see a line you like.
We recommend lapping some combination of Devil's Friend, Kestrel and/or Thrasher. The snow on this side seems to stay better protected and you can choose the size and rhythm of bumps that suit you best.
If you are feeling adventurous and it has snowed recently, consider the 30-40 minute hike to the top of MURDOCK PEAK. You will be rewarded with some fresh turns in this wide open bowl. From the peak, follow the ride around to wherever it looks best.

The hike to Murdock Peak
3. 11:30AM – 12:15 PM – Tombstone & Chance for a Snack
When you are ready for a chance of scenery, begin to make your way over to the Tombstone Express. There are several ways to go, but we find it easiest to take the Sun Peak Express, exit left and follow Upper Mainline through the HIGH MEADOW AREA and connect to Chicane.
If you are feeling hungry at this point, it is also easy to stop for a snack at the Red Pine Lodge or if you're thinking lunch, the Tombstone Grill has great BBQ and nice outdoor seating.
The Tombstone Express services some fun runs with decent pitches like Sidewinder and Cloud 9. Diamond Ridge and the Paradise Chutes are a little steeper and deeper.
When you have had your fill on Tombstone, exit Tombstone Express to the left and take Another World to Rip Saw to reach the bottom of the Ninety-Nine 90 Express. Time to tackle some of Park City's toughest terrain, remember, there is no easy way down from here.
$. 12:15 – 1:30 PM – Some of Park City's Toughest Terrain from Ninety-Nine 90
Survey the landscape on the way up the Ninety Nine 90 Express. Have a peak at lower Freight Gully and 94 Turns. On a brisk day, it can take awhile for these to soften up. If they look soft, head down. Otherwise, we like to exit to the right and following the narrow path towards the Upper East Face. The snow is better protected and there are several steep chutes to explore and trees to navigate - try Red Pine Chutes, Charlie Brown and Magic Lines.
If you have a lot of energy and want to earn lunch, consider the 10-15 minute hike up to the highest peak of NINETY-NINE 90, it can be worth it to access these runs from the very top for a few fresh turns. The only downside is the need to return all the way to the bottom of the Tombstone Express and take two lifts to do it again.
4. 1:30 PM – Lunch at Cloud Dine (see our guide for more lunch options)
Cloud Dine is our top pick for on-mountain dining on the Canyons side. The heaping salads and sandwich platters are delicious after an extended morning on NINETY-NINE 90.
From the base of PEAK 5 and NINETY-NINE 90, take the Peak 5 Lift , take Solace into Upper Harmony or head straight to Upper Harmony. Follow this to the bottom of DreamScape - Cloud Dine is at the top.
5. 2 PM – 2:45PM – Explore DreamScape and DreamCatcher
Some of the best snow conditions at Park City are on this area of the mountain. Head down Alpenglow, though groomed sometimes, the snow is soft and usually well travelled so you can often find workable bumps in the afternoon. Return to the top on the DreamScape Lift and then try a few runs off of the DreamCatcher Lift. We like Phantasm, Bogeyman and Pipe Dream - take laps navigating the bumps and trees of these similarly pitches runs.
6. 2:45 PM – 3:30PM – A few Late Day Runs on Iron Mountain
As you start to think about making your way back to the Base, save some time to explore IRON MOUNTAIN. From the base of the DreamCatcher, follow Cascade to the base of the Iron Mountain Express. The snow here also stays pretty soft and it is fun to finish with some late day laps and bumps on Heavy Metal. If you are feeling a little tired, no shame in taking groomed, Mercury or aptly named, Lead Foot to start to wind down. Just remember, the Iron Mountain Express closes at 3:30pm and it takes time to return to the base.
6. 3:30PM – 4PM – Cruising Back to the Canyons Village Base
To leave IRON MOUNTAIN, hop on the Timberline Lift and from here you can get on the Over and Out Lift and easily return to the base.
Congratulations – you’ve explored a variety of fun terrain on the Canyons Side - Time for Après Ski!