Comfortable, outdoor gear is important to ski moms all year round. Show your active mom some love with our favorite gifts. We cover sunglasses, hydration, ways to capture data and memories, foot wear that will make mom feel like she is walking on clouds, and a few items to look good while braving the elements.
These items were independently chosen by The Avant Ski Contributors. Avant Ski LLC may earn a commission on purchases through these links.
Goodr Sports Sunglasses. These glasses are comfortable, durable, polarized and don't slip or fog up when you break a sweat. They come in all colors and even have themes like Wonder Woman, marathons, and new, this year, the National Parks collection. Starting at $25, they are perfect for spring skiing along with running, biking, tennis and more.
Smith Pinpoint Active Sunglasses. For a lightweight, flexible, durable pair of shades, it's hard to beat Smith's Pinpoints. The Smith ChromaPopâ„¢ lenses provide amplified detail and color. These perform well for spring shredding, running and biking and they also look chill enough to wear all the time. The Megol nose pads provide a non-slip grip so glasses stay put and they are so comfortable, you may not realize you are wearing them.
Stay hydrated with The Quencher H2.0. For maximum hydration with fewer refills, Stanley's Quencher H2.0 is constructed of recycled, stainless steel and holds 40 ounces of liquid. Equipped with Stanley's vacuum insulation, your water will stay cold for at least 11 hours and up to two days with ice. The insulations works for up to 7 hours of heat too. Use it with a straw, a drink opening and full cover top. The base is narrow so it will fit into most cup holders.
Staying Organized & Capturing Memories
Echo Show 15. Alexa can keep the whole family organized with calendars, recipes, music and the news. One of our favorite features of the Echo Show is the photo display. Now we can relive our favorite ski memories all year long with rotating images. The Photo Frame feature enables you to easily display your albums from Amazon Photos or Facebook on your Echo Show 15.
If the Echo Show seems like more than Mom needs, we're also big fans of the wifi enabled, stand-alone digital frame.
Power up with the Anker 325 Power Bank. For the mom that is always on the go, it can be hard for the phone battery to keep up. This Power Bank comes in black and in white and is thin enough to easily fit into a purse of day pack. With ultra-high cell capacity, this power bank provides more than 5 charges for iPhone XS. It also has a twin USB ports, enabling the charging to two devices simultaneously.
On the Move
Smartwatch. The Garmin Fenix 7S can record all the details of your skiing based on movement and will automatically pause when you’re on a lift or take a break. This watch is an easy way to keep track of time on the mountain, distance traveled, maximum speed, average speed, and total vertical descent including a visual record in the form of a map of your day. With 30 different sports modes, this watch also tracks spring/summer activities including runs, hikes, cycling, swimming and more. With solar charging capabilities, the Fenix 7S can last for up to 14 days in smartwatch mode and last up to 46 hours in GPS mode.
Shokz OpenRun Open Ear Bone Conduction Sport Headphones. The Shokz OpenRun
(formerly known as AfterShokz Aeroplex) are the only headphones the athletic mom should own. They won't damage her hearing, allow her to have full awareness of her surroundings, never fall off and can even be controlled with gloves on. Total game-changer.
Black Diamond Pursuit Day Pack. For the mom that is on the move, the all new Women's Pursuit 15 Backpack is ideal for a day of light, fast mountain travel. Designed specifically for women, this pack is super comfortable. It is also breathable, water resistant, has quick access side pockets and a dedicated hydration pouch.
Take Care of your Feet
HOKA x Cotopaxi Anacapa Breeze Low Hiking Shoes. This colorful collaboration from HOKA and Cotopaxi is light, airy and perfect for warmer weather adventures. We love both of these brands and were thrilled to see them come together. Sunstainability minded too, this shoes is made from recycled engineered mesh. Limited edition.
OOFOS Recovery Sandals. Let mom's feet breath and recover by wearing comfortable, supportive sandals. These are especially enjoyable after a long day on the trails. These sandals are designed with OOfoam technology that OOFOS says absorbs 37% more impact that traditional footwear. The luxe treatment sandal are hand-painted and come in a variety of spring colors and styles. We've even started wearing them around the house.
Braving the Elements
Helly Hansen Aden Long Rain Jacket. Stylish and functional, the Aden Long Rain Jacket is one of our favorites for city life and outdoor activities. It's fully waterproof, windproof, yet breathable, and even keeps your legs dry. The soft interior lining is comfortable too.
ciele athletics Running Hat. Our new, go to, running hat. ciele atheletics running hats have a clean, modern design and are lightweight, comfortable, and moisture-wicking. The brim is precurved for style and comfort. This hat provides UPF sun protection and is reflective for better visibility at night. Mom won't run to leave for a run without it and she may just wear it all around town.
Turtlefur Faux Fur Lined Ear Muffs. Nice to have all winter and on chillier spring and fall evenings, the Turtlefur Ear Muffs are fluffy, warm, chic and fashionable. The faux fur is super soft. These pair well with a cable knit sweater on brisk evening. They're easy to keep in a purse or bag and they won't mess up Mom's hair.
All prices quoted were checked shortly before publication, but prices are subject to change and may not match what is found online. Readers should also make sure to check in-stock and delivery status.
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