Spring is here, but don’t worry! There is still time to catch some great late season runs. Despite all of the challenges this season, skiing and riding have been some of the best ways to spend time outdoors. Our contributors managed to visit 50+ resorts across the United States and are excited to share their most memorable runs from a season that none of us will ever forget.

Most resorts are still operating for a few more weeks, so if you’re heading to the mountains don’t miss some of our favorites.
*Resort names in blue link to the related Avant Ski Resort Guide.
1. “Twister at Gore Mountain. It was so much fun to rip it at speed, making big GS turns because it was empty on a weekday. I was really happy I had invested in skis with a 76mm waist because I rediscovered the pleasures of carving.” – Elisabeth Vincentelli

2. “Absolutely Dave’s Run at Mammoth! I skied it on three different occasions this season, and each time Mammoth’s legendary wind buff snow has delivered!”
– Mike Friece
3. "Diamond Lane at Solitude — just off the top of the Powderhorn lift — is one of my favorite spring runs. It catches glorious AM sunbeams and skiing down this steep run offers one of the best views around. When groomed its fast, long, and sinuous and you can lay out turns without a care in the world." – Lexi Dowdall
4. “North American on Aspen Mountain (Ajax to the locals). My favorite is ripping a groomer on a bluebird day. North American is the perfect pitch and it spits you right into Bonnie's where you can enjoy mulled wine and yummy treats.” – Brooke Ely Danielson

5. “Talisman at Magic Mountain. On December 17th, there was too much snow to get to Stratton so my son and I dug out the car and went down the street to ski Magic Mountain in Londonderry, VT. There were only 10 cars in the parking lot due to the amount of snow. Talisman is Magic Mountain’s premier trail where they host races with a steep continuous pitch and top-to-bottom snow-making. – Rick Bouchier
6."Bookends at Snowbird. It’s great because the snow piles up all season and it’s never windy due to protection by the cliffs and ridgeline. The traverse out has a gnarly cliff known as the 'Hillary Step' that turns away many before the furthest lines. Ski a little way out the traverse for flat and steep, further for steeper, or all the way out for steepest." – John Gelb

7. "Double Top at Crested Butte never fails to impress. Great tree skiing and a fabulous gulley that spits you back out to the slopes if you stay skiers right. There are also great stashes of powder in the trees to the lookers right of the Teocalli chair " – Tony Powe

8. "Chin Clip at Stowe. Everything off of the gondola is great on a powder day and Stowe saw some epic conditions through January and February. If you know the mountain or go with a local, you can also explore the Angel Food glades which are to the skiers left of Chin Clip. Just be sure to drop back in sooner rather than later, otherwise you will end up on Mountain Road.” – Wyatt Rydstrom
9. “Hellgate at Hunter! Getting first tracks in the morning on freshly groomed snow means fast, deep turns that wake up the legs and get you PUMPED for the day. It's a nostalgia run for me because it's the first black diamond I ever skied. I always let out a 'whoop' and end with a smile on my face.” – Sam Gray

10. "Impossible! But if I have to pick one I'll go with Atlantic Cornice (or more accurately just to skier's left of Atlantic Cornice) at Copper Mountain. After eyeing down a mandatory air into the bowl, we noticed a little side gate to our left that led to a completely untouched face. The ensuing run took us through several hundred vertical feet of thigh deep snow that had a smile plastered on my face for the rest of the day. It was well worth the ensuing hike from the Resolution Chair to lap it a few more times! – Sam Handy
11. “Alf's High Rustler, aka High Boy at Alta. Not because it was blower powder, though there was some soft stuff on top, but instead because it was moguls all the way down with a view of the Wildcat base area the whole time. By the bottom, my legs were shot, so I straight-lined it to the parking lot.” – Jack Benham

12. "Great Scott at Snowbird. Side-stepping through the entry-way, heart-racing, I was thinking there was no way it would be worth it. It was TOTALLY worth it. It was thin at entry but well protected once we got in, and super steep and super soft the whole way. My quads were burning by the end, so it was good to rest and admire what we had done!" – Alli Widman
13. "This is the year I got into uphilling so any Park City run down from the Angle Station after a skinning session up the mountain is my favorite way to start the day. Treasure Hollow is a quick blue that will take you right back to base where you can meet your friends for a post-uphilling snack.”
– Christine Wells
14. "My go to run has been Powder Cache at Grand Targhee, aka The North Boundary. The wind blows like crazy in that area creating fun features to play on and fills in your tracks. When it’s snowing at Targhee it’s hard to beat! – Skyler Kauf
Summary of our 14 Favorite Trails for the 2020-21 Season (with ratings)
Twister (blue), Gore
Dave's Run, (black) Mammoth Mountain
Diamond Lane (black), Solitude
North American (blue), Aspen Mountain
Talisman (black), Magic Mountain
Bookends (black), Snowbird
Double Top (black), Crested Butte
Chin Clip (black), Stowe
Hellgate (black), Hunter
Atlantic Cornice (double black), Copper Mountain
Alf's High Rustler (black), Alta
Great Scott, Snowbird (double black), Snowbird
Treasure Hollow (blue), Park City
Powder Cache (black), Grand Targhee
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